Philadelphia, PA 19120 (215) 833-3073

A Quality Flooring Service Might Just Be What You Need

4 Wood Flooring Options to Keep Your Elderly Loved Ones Safe

As people age, the living environment should be as safe and comfortable as possible. You can do this by choosing the right floors for your home. That’s what this flooring is all about. We’ll explore 4 wood flooring options that can help keep your elderly loved ones safe. A quality flooring service might be just what you need.

1. Slip-Resistant Finishes

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing floors for the elderly is slip resistance. A slip-resistant finish can help prevent falls and injuries. Look for wood flooring options with textured finishes or coatings that provide extra traction.

2. Low-Gloss Finishes

Another factor to consider is the level of gloss on the flooring. High-gloss finishes can create glare, which can be disorienting for the elderly. Instead, opt for wood flooring with a low-gloss finish. This will help reduce glare and make it easier for your loved ones to see where they’re walking.

3. Engineered Wood Flooring

Engineered wood flooring is a great option for the elderly because it’s more stable than solid hardwood. This means it’s less likely to warp or buckle, which can create tripping hazards. This type of flooring comes with different finishes and styles that you’d definitely love.

4. Proper Installation

No matter what type of wood flooring you choose, proper installation is key. Make sure the flooring is installed by a professional who knows how to create a smooth, level surface. This will help prevent tripping hazards and ensure that the flooring is safe for your loved ones to walk on.

In conclusion, there are several wood flooring options that can help keep your elderly loved ones safe. Consider slip-resistant and low-gloss finishes, engineered wood flooring, and proper installation when making your choice. If you need help finding the right flooring for your home, Flooring Contractor by Chen is here to help. We offer quality flooring service in Philadelphia, PA that you can now avail of with just a call at (215) 833-3073.

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