Philadelphia, PA 19120 (215) 833-3073

Insights From a Hardwood Flooring Company

All About Hardwood and Its Popularity

Hardwood floors have been making a comeback in the home design world, which is pretty amazing considering they are still so in style today. Hardwood floors have always been very popular in commercial spaces, but they have slowly made their way into single-family homes as well. It’s no wonder there is a demand to hire a hardwood flooring company. So if this is something you are considering, here are a few things you should know before getting started:

What Is Hardwood?

Hardwood is simply wood that is made by cutting the trunk or branch of a tree into planks or boards that are thinner than 1 inch, and the wood has been seasoned for at least a year. Hardwood is available in both red and white colors, and it can be finished in a variety of ways, including natural, light, and dark.

What Are the Different Types?

Hardwood floors come in many different types, and they can be categorized into three main types:

  • Red oak
  • White oak
  • Hickory

There are others as well, but these three types make up the majority of hardwood floors found today.

When to Use Each Type

Red oak and white oak are the most commonly used types of hardwood floors. The reason behind this is that they are still very durable and flexible, which is why they are the most common hardwood floors used in commercial spaces.

Red oak and white oak are also the most common types of hardwood used in kitchens and dining rooms because they are associated with food, thus making them a good choice for a kitchen or dining room floor.

Red oak is also commonly used in staircases as it is durable and its color makes it blend well with most other colors used in a home. In other words, red oak is a good choice for both residential and commercial staircases.

You can count on a hardwood flooring company like Flooring Contractor by Chen to give you the hardwood flooring services you want. To learn about the services and products we offer to our clients in Philadelphia, PA, give us a call at (215) 833-3073 today.

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