Things That Can Ruin Your Hardwood Floors That You Should Avoid and Ask Your Hardwood Flooring Company for Maintenance

Stop Ruining Your Hardwood!

The longevity and durability of hardwood flooring are one reason why it is so adored and well-liked. A good hardwood floor can last a century or longer with the right maintenance, though. A few typical floor maintenance techniques used today will quickly harm a hardwood floor. To keep your hardwoods in peak condition and ensure that they last the century or more that is expected of them, it is crucial to understand what can cause premature damage to hardwoods or ask your hardwood flooring company. The following are some practices to stay away from when maintaining hardwood floors.

Sharp Objects

Not necessarily referring to the immediately obvious sharp objects, such as knives and scissors. Although these objects can harm wood floors, they come into touch with your floor less often than, for example, animal nails or claws, high heels, cleats, and furniture feet. These objects have the potential to severely dent and scratch wood flooring. Put felt padding on the bottom of furniture, avoid wearing damaged shoes on hardwood floors, and keep pet nails just short enough so they don’t touch the floor. Area rugs and bedding for animals are also helpful.

Cleaning with Water

One of wood’s worst enemies is water. When exposed to water, the cellular structure of wood reacts right away. Wood that comes into contact with water may expand and begin to rot. This is not a problem because a hardwood floor’s surface is sealed, but you do not want water to contact the floorboards’ untreated sides and bottoms.

Not Cleaned Properly

Your floor’s biggest foe is dirt and debris. Your lovely flooring will eventually start to deteriorate as a result of these products, which operate like fine sandpaper. The ideal schedule for cleaning your floors includes daily dry mopping or quick sweeping, weekly vacuuming, biweekly nearly dry mopping, and deep professional cleaning once a year.

If you worry about the maintenance of your hardwood floors, you should call professionals like Flooring Contractor by Chen. We are a well-known hardwood flooring company in Philadelphia, PA. To schedule an appointment, call us at (215) 833-3073 now!